I love a good beauty item, I do, but there are also many things in life that make it a whole better place, and I seem to neglect talking about such things. I am a big lover of the obvious; food, lie ins and a good ron-com. But here are the things that have been making my days that little bit brighter recently:

My Mad Fat Diary - God I love this show. Partly cause of the 90’s fashion nostalgia and party because of Nico Mirallegro (swoon). The story line is a teenage girls dream and nightmare all rolled into one. Following Rae Earl's battle through her teens is the perfect way to end a hard day of (adult) work; reliving your childhood 45 minutes at a time.
Mini Eggs - The obvious choice of Easter chocolate here. I can demolish a bag in less than half an hour, and not even feel ashamed – much to the despair of my metabolism.
Daffodils - You can’t beat fresh flowers; its basically spring in a vase! I currently have a bunch on my desk at work and at home, ever brightening a dull moment. There's just something about the colour yellow that makes you smile, I blame that infamous laughing baby in the telly tubby sun....
New Kicks - I finally took the plunge and bought some ‘cool-non-athletic-ever-clean’ trainers and I am so glad I did. My feet have been in shoe heaven! Okay so I may be reliving my teen years (I see a trend in this post) strutting around in Nike Airs but hey, anything goes these days, and if its comfortable then I don't care.
Camomile, Honey & Vanilla Tea - After a very unfortunate event involving tea, my 5 year old stomach and a stained dining room floor, I have since become an avid ‘non-tea-drinker’ only occasionally dabbling in fruit/herbal teas, but often finding they predominately smell A LOT better than they taste. However, I picked up these Sainsbury's Taste the Difference camomile, honey and vanilla pyramid teabags (cough fake tea pigs) and actually really enjoyed them, lovely to sip in bed with a good book.
So in case any of you were wondering, these are the things I enjoy in my spare time – and I do occasionally venture outdoors too… promise.
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