I love my make up, I do! ...but when it comes to haircare I am a little less enthusiastic. I hardly ever get it cut (slap's wrist) and I find washing my thick bonce such a chore! That in mind, I can safely say my haircare routine is slightly limited and most certainly 'low-end' - however, it works for me and my lazy attitude.
This whole routine totals up to around £20, and can be completed in approx 15 minutes! A lazy girls dream.
My routine consists of 5 stages:
1. Get into the shower as quickly as possible to avoid frost bite and lather up my scalp with The Body Shop's Ginger anti-dandruff Shampoo (sorry tmi). I find really fruity sweet shampoos just play havoc with my scalp so a plain 'does the job' shampoo like this is ideal.
2. Apply a dollop of Herbal Essences Beautiful Ends Mask to the ends of my hair, well I never you may say, and continue with the rest of my shower business while the mask works its magic. Rinse and we're done.
3. Once I have gathered a bit of warmth and courage to continue, I spray the Dove Nourishing Oil Care Leave-in Spray all over my hair, no methodology here just spray and enjoy the beautiful scent! I tend to not condition my hair so this is my simple alternative that keeps my locks smooth and healthy.
4. Now before drying, what must we all do? PROTECT! - I use my trusty Tresemme Heat Defence Styling Spray which has lasted my way over a year now... again spraying this willy-nilly all over my hair and combing through with a large toothed comb.
5. At this point my routine can go one of two ways; a) scruffy hair, don't care ie. up in a bun and worry about more important things or b) a good straighten and style. If option a wins the day, then these bands are great as they don't damage or kink your hair and come in all fancy designs.
If unfortunately I have to look presentable and option b needs to commence, I like to smooth down my ends with the Sexy Hair Healthy Soy Renewal Nourishing Treatment. I got my mini version in a event goodie bag and I love it, it certainly leaves your hair feeling silky smooth and doesn't leave any residue once you have smoothed it into your hair.
Is anyone else as lazy as I am when it comes to hair?
Is there any dreamy products I am missing in my life which will ultimately change this view forever?